Friday 29 June 2012

28th June... the day when the journey was began...

28th June.. aku igt lagi tarikh ni... Tarikh aku and other friends step into the world of teaching... i can't believe that its already been 2 years... the feeling still never change..

 "I Don't Want to be a Teacher"!! 

like it or not... i have to accept it.. mungkin dh tersurat.. My mom selalu tanya aku... seronok nk jd cikgu??? i just simply said "ok la".. aq xnak die rse guilty sbb desak aku masuk IPG.. bnyak dh die berkorban tuk aku... 

okay.. xmo mood sedih2... aku nk share story aku mase Interview Maktab ni...

at first, aku x dpat pun twaran interbiu tu.. so aku happy jgak la.. janji lepas dh puaskn hati parents aku; nk sgt aku apply KPLSPM a.k.a maktab.. so, aku masuk Matrikulasi dgn hati yg happy.. then, kt matrikulasi, ade la news sruh students yg apply maktab utk semak info pasal temuduga tu.. aku buat x tahu je la kn.. sbb aku tau aku x dpat interbiu tu.. tp aku pegi jugak utk teman kwan aku semak die punye name.. unfortunately,name die xde.. the worst part was die ckap (dengan muke x puas hati) name aku ade... WHAT??!!! pitam sekejap... aku trus kol mak aku.. mak aku ckap ayh aku mntk tlong kwan die msukkn name aku tuk interbiu tu... (sorry guys.. aku pkai kabel.. tp bukn aku yg sruh).. aku cuak gile sbb sume sijil2 aku kt umah and matriks tu jauh gile.. dgn gigih nye, my parents dtang hntar sijil2 tu kt matriks.. Terharu aku.. so, aku pegi la interviwew tu dgn harapan buat sehabis baik... aku dpat Interview utk sbjek music... happy jugak sbb mmg aku minat pun music2 ni...

pagi tu, aku pegi tggu turn aku... cuak giler doe... and then bile msuk utk temudga individual tu.. aku terus, aku pun ditanye la beberape soalan.. aku ckap manglish..sbb nervous.. tunggang langgang.. and then, sorang interviewer tu tnye aku psal music.. aku kelentong la minah tu sbb at first aku igt die lecturer english.. sekali die rupenye Lecturer music kt IPG yg aku blaja skrg( retired already, sorry Miss Bulbi Kaur)... and then soalan last... die sruh aku tnjuk care nk ajar music utk darjah 1.. so aku bgtau la nursery rhymes.. dgn konfiden nye.. die sruh aku nyayi.. what????pitam again... aku pun nyanyi la lagu Ba ba Black Sheep and Twinkle twinkle little star ..pitam.. siap dgn gaye and facial expression.. bile aku hbis tu.. aku tgok muke lecturer2 tergamam... aku pun dgn nervousnye.. aku sebut "taadaaaa"...PITAM!!!!

malu giler... aku mmg igt aku gagal la interview tu... mungkin dh tkdir aku... untk jdi cikgu.. anyway... aku happy jgak sbb dpat jmpe kawan2 yg sporting and open minded.. humorous... my day fills with laugh.. sometimes, it tears me apart.. tp seriously.. all these experiences make me a btter and strong person... tu je la yang aku dpat share hari ni.. and aku ade attach some pic of my friends.. Guys, dh 2 tahun dh!!!

my closest friends

my fellow classmates.. 3 Teslians.. They are awesome people with awesome personality...

Cohort 4 Tesl.. always the best!!

meet the ladies..

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